Video coaching tips and tools for quick success

Mastering video coaching takes effort. Discover tips and tools for early success in this valuable skill.

video coaching

Video coaching was already gathering momentum before Covid made the online world a lifeline for education and development.

Many small businesses turn to online coaching to get the skills they need to succeed. Being a remote coach can be very rewarding and lucrative. But if you are not set up correctly, you may not inspire trust and professionalism and therefore won’t be as successful as you could be.  

Here are 5 video coaching tips and tools for quick success: 


Your video coaching environment

This may sound obvious, but you should set yourself up in an environment that fits what you are doing. Make sure you have a clean room - not too sterile - which does not distract you or your client from the task at hand. 


The right hardware for video coaching

Make sure that you have a computer that can handle multiple tasks at the same time. With online training, you will be powering a Zoom or Skype meeting, reading notes, recording your session and possibly running numerous online programs. Make sure you have a good webcam and that your internet connection is fast and stable.

You should also invest in a good quality headset so you can hear your clients properly. 


Your video persona

Present yourself well and wear suitable clothes. You want to look professional as well as warm to your online clients. Be confident and empathetic. Speak clearly during coach-client sessions and make sure that you listen to your client’s needs.


Manage your time during online coaching sessions

One of the most common mistakes that inexperienced coaches can make is to mismanage time. It goes something like this. They have a set agenda and then they get stuck on a particular topic. 

Unlike classrooms or physical class where you can reset the room when the next client arrives, video coaching can suck the time away as there’s nobody knocking on your door. Make sure you are always aware of the time and how much you will need to conclude the coaching experience.


The right software

You may be tempted to start out with video coaching by using free tools. This might save you some money in the short term, but in the long term as a career coach, you should invest in the right software to help you deliver the best possible coaching program. 

Manage Your Coaching Practice in One Place

CoachVantage automates your business workflows so you can focus on impactful coaching results.

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You should choose a platform that helps you get the most out of your coaching skills. CoachVantage, for example, offers multiple benefits to coaching businesses. 

With CoachVantage, you can build your branded video coaching landing pages, advertise coaching exercises and allow bookings with one click. 


It lets you integrate your Zoom account with one click. There are 3 key benefits of integrating CoachVantage with Zoom: 

  1. When you select Zoom as the meeting location, CoachVantage will automatically get the unique Zoom meeting URL link. A unique meeting link is generated for each and every meeting so it’s more secure. 
  2. Whenever you or your clients schedule appointments in CoachVantage, the meeting details are passed to your Zoom account so you will also see those details there. 
  3. You and your clients can easily launch the Zoom application right from your respective CoachVantage accounts by clicking on the Zoom flag that appears next to the appointment details.


coaching on video


CoachVantage also includes a document repository and automatic scheduling, rescheduling, and oh, did I mention Zoom integration? :) 


CoachVantage gives you all the tools you need to foster coaching relationships, keep your house in order and deliver video coaching sessions conveniently with its Zoom integration. 


Sign up for CoachVantage today and get a 14-day free trial (below). 


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Get Started With CoachVantage Today.

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