March 10, 2022 - Coaching Online
Top 5 Life Coach Podcasts + Tips for Your Own Podcast
Five useful tips to start your own life coach podcast for free

Do you listen to podcasts? What do you get the most out of listening to your favorite podcast?
Is it the takeaways?
Is it the authenticity of a natural voice versus scrolling through photoshopped images?
Or, are you just using it as background noise to keep you company?
Most likely, it’s all of the above!
Whatever the case may be, everyone has their own reasons for listening to podcasts.
According to the Infinite Dial survey from Edison One and Triton Digital, an estimated 100 million people in America listened to a podcast each month in 2020 and it’s expected to reach 125 million in 2022.
As more people tune into podcasts, ad dollars are increasing too.
IAB Pricewaterhouse Coopers estimated podcast ad spend was $800 million in 2020 and will more than double to $1.7 billion by 2024, an annual growth of nearly 20%.
This demonstrates the huge potential for coaches to market their services in the form of life coach podcasts.
Besides word-of-mouth referrals, social media, or email marketing, podcasting is a viable alternative marketing channel if you’re a life coach.
So, why are podcasts so popular, you may ask?
Let’s take a look at how podcasts can benefit you:
1. Reduces stress and helps anxiety
There are different brain reactions when you listen to different podcasts. Here are two examples:
a. When you listen to a meditation podcast, it activates your brain stem, thalamus and auditory cortex. As a result, your brain releases a chemical called oxytocin, also known as “love hormones”. According to Medical News Today, oxytocin reduces stress and anxiety.
b. When listening to a comedy podcast, it activates your frontal lobe and cerebral cortex. When you watch funny content, your frontal lobe sends that message to your cerebral cortex, which then triggers laughter or delight. Humor also lowers levels of cortisol, meaning that it's ideal for reducing stress levels.
2. Encourages imagination
When you have no visual cues in addition to the audio that you may be listening to, you naturally use your imagination to piece a story together.
One study by depicts that when you listen to a story, it improves your brain’s visual processes and creates more imagery than when you read.
3. Encourages learning and makes it digestible
Podcasts aren’t only meant for entertainment or background noise. They are also useful when you want to learn something new. You can be cooking or driving while learning a new business hack.
Multitasking at its best!
For example, we’re sure that you are familiar with the author of the ‘4 Day Work Week’ and podcast host, Tim Feriss, or the Accidental Creative Podcast, where you can learn about common leadership mistakes and leveraging competition.
No matter what your interests are, you can be sure that there’s a wide variety of podcasts that will cater to your needs.
In this post, we’re going to focus on coaching podcasts (of course!).
We’ve curated a list of some of the best life coach podcasts that we think provide coaches with value-added content for your life and business.
1. Prosperous Coach Podcast with Rhonda Hess
This is one of my favorites!
Hosted by Rhonda Hess, international business coach and niche strategist, this podcast offers practical guidance and inspiration to new and emerging coaches who want to launch their own successful coaching business.
2. The Life Coach School Podcast
The Life Coach School Podcast is your go-to resource for learning, growing, and becoming certified as a Life Coach & Weight Loss Coach.
In this podcast, you’ll hear directly from Master Coach Brooke Castillo to help you better understand life coaching and the required skills and mindsets.
Financial literacy is vital.
Make Money as a Life Coach podcast teaches coaches practical tools for becoming financially successful. Sales expert and Life Coach, Stacey Boehman, combines her sales experience and coaching wisdom to teach life coaches how to get past their biggest hurdle of making their first $2000 and then taking their business to 200k and beyond.
Hosted by the knowledgeable Karl Bryan, he does not miss a beat when he interweaves all his stories and useful business coaching insights.
5. Coach Cast
Hosted by Justin Petersen and Darren Odell, have a listen to this podcast if you’re uncertain about your coaching niche or need guidance in organizational coaching or coaching for wellbeing.
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Now that you have examples to take inspiration from for starting your own life coach podcast, let’s look into how podcasts can be used to increase engagement with your community.
When you are into your first few podcasts, it will seem like a passive experience.
Don’t worry, it's natural to feel that way in the beginning.
But know this - soon enough into your podcast journey, you will realize that you are offering a community or a ‘tribe’ for your podcast audience to relate to.
Here are some pointers on how a podcast can help increase engagement in your community:
1. Podcasts can bring traffic to your website
“How”, you ask?
Well, your podcast is not just a podcast, it is content too!
You can post snippets of your podcast or even entire podcast episodes. It will evoke curiosity for your audience and build regular followers if they share your content on their social media platforms.
If they love your podcast, they will keep a lookout for any other form of your content from your socials or website, which will in turn increase your website traffic.
2. Create podcast ads to promote your services without disrupting value-added content
While delivering valuable content, you can also create ads to promote the services that your coaching business offers either at the beginning, middle or the end of your podcast episode.
3. Invite other coaches and experts on your show and vice versa
Collaborating with other coaches and experts will not only help you to have a wider perspective in coaching, it will help your listeners too.
For example, if you are a health coach but you’re inviting a mental health coach to your podcast, listeners will gain a well-rounded approach to their physical and mental health being.
If listeners host podcasts of their own, chances are you will get invited to showcase your expertise on their shows too, thus giving you more exposure.
4. Invite your clients or audience to ‘call’ into your podcast via Clubhouse
Talk show hosts and radio DJs make their shows more entertaining and engaging by having listeners calling in to air their views. It makes for a much livelier session.
For your podcast, you can connect with your community with the Clubhouse in-app recording. Participants can choose to divulge their identity or even remain anonymous on their profile. It allows participants a safe space to speak, without being judged.
How Clubhouse works:
i. Download the app on your mobile phone
ii. You can create a daily or weekly live chat room for your community. Being consistent about it is important because your audience will make time to tune in to what you have to give.
iii. In the live chat room, everyone in your community can bring up their opinions or questions.
iv. Finally, you can download the full audio clip for you to upload to your chosen podcast platform
With this function, you are essentially providing a platform for your community to speak up and share their experiences, troubles, life journey, etc. Your podcast can be shared on social media, which will further increase your following.
Podcasting is the most low-cost marketing tool that you can utilize to your advantage. And it is possible for you to produce it for free!
If you are just starting out, all you need is a headset with a good mic and you can start recording it with your mobile phone! As easy as 1,2,3.
Here are five tips to help you get started with your own life coach podcast for free:
1. Find a suitable podcast platform for your needs
There are numerous podcasting platforms that you can choose from. Paid or free. Know what your podcast show format is and then decide on which platform suits you better.
Ask yourself questions like..
Is there going to be more than one host? If yes, you will need a platform that will be accessible to your co-hosts.
Will you need an editing service within the platform itself?
Does the platform have a good monetization process if you intend to monetize your podcast down the road?
Can your podcast be distributed to Spotify and Apple music within the platform?
For starters, you might want to consider, which was bought over by Spotify in 2019. It’s a hassle-free platform that you can host your podcast on.
It includes awesome basic features like: audio trimmings, basic podcast stats, voice message (your audience can leave you voice messages), basic sound effects, monetization and the best part of it all is, you can add songs that you like from Spotify into specific parts of your podcast!
If you’re looking to invest in your podcast you may want to consider platforms like Buzzsprout or Podbean. They have additional podcast features such as, multiple admins, your own podcast website, video podcasts and advanced editing services.
Source: Buzzsprout
Source: Podbean
2. Let your conversation flow as naturally as possible to minimize editing time
When you first start your podcast, you have to make sure your audio is clear, ensure the interview questions are aligned and so much more. A lot of work, but still, pretty much within your control.
Eventually though, you are going to have guests on your podcast show. Managing your guests and how they speak or how long they speak is hard to control especially on a live show!
Make that the only exception where you edit, so you don’t waste so much time on editing.
As you get more experience hosting, you will get better on how to take charge of the conversation if your guests start going off-tangent.
It’s ok to have an hour-long podcast but it would be better if you have a succinct podcast content. The best length for a podcast is about 20 minutes.
3. Use subtitles when posting podcast episode snippets on social media platforms
According to a study conducted by LifeLearn, “The Goldfish Effect” is a marketing term used to describe how very short our attention spans can be.
A 2015 Microsoft study found that the average adult attention span is 8 seconds, which is a significant decline from the average of 12 seconds in 2000. Goldfish, on the other hand, can focus for 9 seconds.
That’s right, humans now have a shorter attention span than goldfish! We can blame that on social media.
So, a tip to have your audience pay attention to your podcast on social media, enhance it with subtitles so they can read while they listen. This adds a visual element so they have your attention.
Tip: You can use a free web-based app called Kapwing for help with subtitles and most of your social media content needs.
4. Study your podcast statistics
Statistics are data. And data is gold.
This is important because you will glean insights about what your audience likes or dislikes about your podcast.
For example, you’ll get knowledge about where your audience comes from, what their pain points are, what content or even services you can offer to help them and a lot more behavioral patterns that will elevate your coaching business.
5. Don’t forget to enjoy the conversations and learning curve
Coming from a podcast host myself, remember not to be bogged down by the technical or marketing process of podcasting. The best moments in podcasting is being able to converse with people and exchange opinions on various topics.
Be present in the moment and if a blooper happens, roll with it. It gives life to the podcast and its authenticity!
When it comes to marketing your coaching business, think beyond email marketing, social media or mouth-to-mouth referrals.
In the years to come, there will be more and more opportunities for coaches as the coaching industry gets bigger.
As the industry gets bigger, we will be spoiled for choice on where to market our services to.
Listenership for podcasts will reach an all-time high of 125 million this year. It’s the best time for you to tap in and launch your own life coach podcast show and expand your reach.
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